Strider asked me the other day about Christmas and Jesus’ birth and how come He was a baby, and where is He now, and how come we can’t see Him, and where does He live? Eventually the very difficult and confusing conversation got over to the subject of Heaven. We talked about how God lives there and how we’re going to go there too. Then he asked where Heaven is. Although I knew it wasn’t quite necessarily theologically true, I told him it was above the sky, not knowing what else to say. But THEN he asked, “How are we going to stand up on the sky??” I told him there would be houses there, but that didn’t satisfy his gravity question and he finally asked me, “Is this for real, or for pretend?”

The other day on Oprah, there was an underwear fashion show
at one point. I was watching it and then
realized maybe I shouldn’t be because Strider seemed to be watching rather
intently too. But as I started to change
it, he asked, “Why does that girl have something weird on her hands?!” (She was wearing funny mittens) So I guess he
wasn’t too interested in the underwear part.
As I was cooking dinner the other night I heard Strider
telling Rayna, “Rayna, don’t touch that.
I still love you, but I don’t want you to touch that!”
I came in Strider’s room the other day and found Strider and
Rayna both on the floor, sitting facing each other. They were holding hands and Strider had his
eyes all scrunched up, closed, and was saying, “…. and please bless JT and help
him to get better. In Jesus’ name we
pray, Amen.”

Rayna still hasn’t mastered many of the normal “first
words,” like ball, duck, dog, etc. But
she does say a couple of funny things:
“doi, doi” (to get us to sing the “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy” song) and
something that sounds suspiciously like “how YOU doin’,” (a la Joey from
Friends). Strider walks around saying
that a lot, and I think Rayna is now too!