A few little "Strider and Rayna Stories" from the past few months...
The other day Rayna was sitting on my lap very sweetly and I looked her in the eyes and said, “You’re beautiful.” She looked directly back at me and said, “You’re interesting.” Not quite the compliment I was hoping for!
I overheard Strider and Rayna playing out the Christmas story. Strider was pretending to be Mary, and he said, “Oh, my water broke!” Rayna said, “Your water broke?? I don’t know what you are talking about!”
At Strider’s soccer game Rayna heard someone say “Let’s go England!” ( England was the name of his team) Rayna’s response was to yell: “Let’s go to the coffee shop!” Because, really, why would anyone rather go England?
When someone asks Rayna a question that she either doesn’t understand, or doesn’t know the answer to, she answers very confidently, “Last morning.”