Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Shrove Tuesday
This year, we have the added fun of celebrating with our friends as well. So here's where we were last night:
Thanks, Alleyn, for documenting this for us! And thanks for all the great pancakes, games, lessons, and even the Gilligan's Island Psalter song. :)
And by the time I got home all 4 were asleep -- including Miles, who really should have been awake so he'll sleep tonight, but that's ok -- so I'd like to nominate Pete for Daddy of the Year.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Some Colsen Concerns
Colsen loves to play with Miles... He always uses his high-pitched voice and says things like, "Hi, Baby Miles. I want to kiss him. He's so cute. He's so little..." etc. But several times now he's also thrown this in: "I I love his head. I want to take his head off." And in case I don't quite get his meaning, he adds, "I want to take him apart."
So, we'll just file this under, "More Reasons to Not Leave Colsen and Miles Alone Together."
Meanwhile, Cole's had his own concerns to deal with...
The first few times he saw us change Miles' diaper, he was very alarmed to see the umbilical cord/belly button on him. He kept pointing at it and asking in a distressed voice, "What's THAT?!" We tried to explain it to him, but he was never very satisfied with our explanations.
Then, the other day I had to change Colsen's diaper, and decided to just change him downstairs since I had a box of wipes we were using for Miles there anyway. Colsen started freaking out about it though, saying, "Don't use Miles' wipes! Don't use his wipes!"
I couldn't figure out what the big deal was -- wipes are wipes, right? -- until he said, "I don't have a Bilical Cord! I don't have a Bilical Cord!"... and apparently he was afraid they were contagious or something!
Poor little guy... so much to figure out in this world.
Monday, February 23, 2009
And let the "helping" begin...
This isn't just a sword either... According to Colsen it's a leaf blower, and he carries it with him all the time, blowing the leaves out of the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, etc. I'm not sure which is scarier -- that he gave Miles a sword, or a leaf blower.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Miles' first photo shoot
Friday, February 13, 2009
How Miles Quentin got his name
First of all, the name Miles means “merciful.”
Last year, Pete designated 2008 as a “Year of Mercy” for our family, with the basic intent that we would be intentional about trying to show mercy to others consistently throughout the year. I can’t say we were tremendously successful at that in terms of our actual actions, but perhaps this child, conceived in that year, will show the world great Mercy in future years.
Although I originally was not a fan of the name…. see my initial thoughts, back in October, here: I have gradually come around to like it. But the clincher for me was when we were having a verbal tug-of-war over 2 different names, and Pete said, “I don’t know… it’s just when I put my hand on your belly and feel him, I just think his name is Miles.” How could I argue with THAT?? So within 12 hours after hearing that comment, I was on-board.
And because I like themes and patterns and consistency throughout things, I immediately set to work to try and figure out how Miles would fit in with our other children. I told Pete I had come up with this sentence to tie us all together:
Striding along, under the Rays of the sun, through seasons of hot and Cold, we journey through the Miles of life, and for Pete’s sake, we try to be Amiable.
Pete said I was pushing it too much. I don’t care, though… I’m sticking with it. ("Corny" should be my middle name.) If anyone can come up with a better sentence, I would definitely love to hear it! (Don't let me down, Mom!)
And, to keep up with our other patterns, Quentin was the ideal middle name. First of all, it’s the name of a character from a trilogy of books from one of my favorite authors, Stephen Lawhead. Quentin, similar to the characters our other boys are named after, starts off as a humble boy, but ends up as a king in the end, after a long journey of Truth searching and character testing. (And Quentin starts with Q, so we kept the pattern of “S,R, Q, P” (alphabetical letters backwards) with the 4 kids (first or middle names), as was one of my goals in our initial name search).
So, that was the thought progression. Oh- -- and it was pretty unanimous among the kids, too. Every time we tried to suggest a different boy name, we kept hearing, "No! We want Miles!" And I have to say it's pretty darn cute hearing Colsen call him "Baby Miles" all the time...
Monday, February 9, 2009
Look who's here!
My brain is still having trouble stringing words together to make full sentences, having not slept for a period longer than 1.5 hours in the last 48 hours… so I’ll let the pictures just speak for themselves here. J
(special thanks to my bro-in-law James for taking most of these pics!)

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mom, don't read this.
This morning our friend Elizabeth turned 7, so Rayna went to her party. The whole family ended up crashing, though, when we found out what the activity was... a man with all kinds of live animals!. The guy had quite a show planned... from the very beginning when he pulled a snake out of his front shirt pocket, to when there was suddenly a lizard on the top of his head, to when he hauled out a 25-lb tortoise that Rayna was convinced was coming after her.
It was quite the fun birthday party, though... afterwards we all went outside and played in this spring-like weather -- beautiful. And the kids are not likely to forget this experience for a long time!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
How old does this kid think he is?
Can I take my phone to church? (Since his phone was just a folded-up baseball card, the answer was "Sure.")
Where's my iPod? ("You don't have one, sweetie")
Can I wear my Crocs? ("You don't own Crocs.")
Can I have a dog? ("Nice try".)
Can I have a cat? ("No.")
Can I have a monster? ("Ok.") He then proceeds to talk in a growly monster voice for the next few minutes.
Sometimes I think he thinks he's 26 years old, instead of 26 months old!
(Although then later at lunch, Strider tried to refer to him as a toddler and Cole said "I'm not a toddler! I'm a kid!".... so maybe he really doesn't think of himself as an adult yet... just a kid who should be surrounded by some brand-name things.)
This afternoon has been a fun time for all the kids... Strider and Pete have been outside practicing their secret football plays (with covert signals and everything) as they celebrate Super Bowl Sunday...