This weekend all 20 members of the ever-expanding Wray family got together at my parents' house. It was the first time we had all been together in quite awhile, so it was obviously the perfect occasion to attempt yet another complete family picture. (The last several attempts over the years have not garnered too many successful shots... although
this one is still on walls of studios. The family shot on the wall in middle is us! It was taken when Rayna was a baby, though, so it's been awhile!)
So out came my mom with great purpose and direction, intending to get the perfect, current shot. Two other family member photographers joined in the designing and framing stage, so the three of them together were directing the rest of us where to sit or stand. Unfortunately, the noise of the waterfall we were gathering around made it difficult for us to hear the mouths behind the cameras, so there were a lot of confusing charades going on. ("You want me to sit here? Or him? You want him where? Right in the middle? But there's no rock there! Is he supposed to sit in the water? Oh -- are you talking to her?")
Meanwhile, the kiddos all began a chorus with their various cries and pleas. We parents started our songs about the great promised dinner and cakes for all who cooperated. The cacophony crescendoed the longer we waited for the photographers to stage the shot. Lollipops given to the toddlers to appease them were melting all over the fresh white shirts. Kids were getting wetter and wetter the longer we sat near the water. And the leg muscles of at least some of us adults were cramping up.... to the point where everyone was complaining about something. Gotta love it.
Finally, 15 minutes later, the photographer team announced they were ready to start shooting.
Just about the time that everyone's smiles had permanently turned into grimaces. But with many a "Look at Nonna with the camera" shouts, and hand charades from my mom as she directed someone to do something (no one ever knew what exactly she was saying), the photo shoot commenced.
And then, 3 minutes later, we realized it actually had not commenced, as she hadn't been pushing the right button or something.
So we started over.
And then we all melted down and had to break for dinner.
And then after dinner we all traipsed out again to resume our oh-so-comfortable positions. After 15 more minutes of staging and directing, Rayna announced she had to go to the bathroom. Colsen, through the power of suggestion, also decided he had to go. Kai was still running around the yard, refusing to be confined for this ridiculousness. So, now 7 family members were no longer in the shot (including the ones who were trying to set up the picture).
Eventually, though, somehow we all got in the frame, and my mom took some pictures. (My dad had long since retreated inside to do something far more fun -- the dishes.)
Looking through the pictures later that night, we realized that even with 3 different cameras, and long periods of time set aside to achieve the desired look, when you're dealing with a cast of 18, you are never going to get "the perfect shot." Someone is always goofy-- and usually there is more than 1 clown in this bunch.
There were a lot of shots taken, but I only have these 2 here:

It's hard to get everyone looking in the same direction at once! Thankfully, for the rest of the evening, the non-picture-taking portion, that was not the goal, so we had fun looking at each other and talking. And, we had a lot to celebrate: Karin and James' anniversary, John's graduation, and Katie's "retirement!" Cake for everyone!!