Anxious to be a Boy Scout:
Even though he hasn't yet heard the scouting motto "Always be prepared," he has an innate sense that this is a good idea, I guess. He's always trying to anticipate what we will need next, or what is coming next. For example, when I tell him we're going somewhere, he almost starts hyperventilating saying..."CAR! DRIVE! KEYS!!!! KEYS!!! PURSE! PHONE! GASSES (sunglasses)! PACI-- PURSE-- NACKIN!!! (This means, "wrap my paci in a napkin and put it in your purse") He certainly does not want us to forget anything.
Anxious to be an adult:
For the last month or two, Colsen has been occasionally referring to his Daddy as "Pete." Sometimes I'll go get him out of his crib after naptime and he'll hold his palms up (as if to say, "Where?") and says, "Pete? Rayna? Strider?" And now in the past few weeks he's taken to calling me "Amy" as well, especially when "Mommy" isn't working. I had to chuckle recently when we were at a party at someone's house, and I saw him come running inside and start threading through all the people in the room saying, "Amy? Amy?" Kind of weird to be called that my someone shorter than your knees.
Anxious to no longer wear diapers:
He often tells us he wants to go to "bathroom" and other such indicators, but we are going to hold off potty-training for awhile still. But last week he decided apparently to take matters into his own hands. He told me at one point in the afternoon that his diaper was bothering him, but I checked it and it was fine, so I just ignored it. A couple hours later he was outside with our friend Nelson who had come over for dinner. Nelson was holding him at one point and realized his shirt was suddenly getting damp (sorry, Nelson!). Upon further inspection we realized Colsen was not wearing a diaper! This was quite a mystery to us because his clothes were still on! We took him inside and said, "Colsen, where did your diaper go??" He promptly told us, "Trash" and showed us the garbage can he had put it in. Sure enough, there it was. We're still not sure how he got it off... or why.
Right now as I type this his little voice is calling to me from his crib, "Amy! Aim!" so I guess I'd better go get the little guy.... and pretty soon we'll start having to teach him that it is not respectful to call your parents by their first name -- even (especially?) if you're 1.
He often tells us he wants to go to "bathroom" and other such indicators, but we are going to hold off potty-training for awhile still. But last week he decided apparently to take matters into his own hands. He told me at one point in the afternoon that his diaper was bothering him, but I checked it and it was fine, so I just ignored it. A couple hours later he was outside with our friend Nelson who had come over for dinner. Nelson was holding him at one point and realized his shirt was suddenly getting damp (sorry, Nelson!). Upon further inspection we realized Colsen was not wearing a diaper! This was quite a mystery to us because his clothes were still on! We took him inside and said, "Colsen, where did your diaper go??" He promptly told us, "Trash" and showed us the garbage can he had put it in. Sure enough, there it was. We're still not sure how he got it off... or why.
Right now as I type this his little voice is calling to me from his crib, "Amy! Aim!" so I guess I'd better go get the little guy.... and pretty soon we'll start having to teach him that it is not respectful to call your parents by their first name -- even (especially?) if you're 1.
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