However, going to get our family pictures taken has not (ever) put me in a positive and up-beat mood. In fact, there is something about that place that brings out some of the worst qualities in me. So, much to Pete's delight, I announced afterwards that we are henceforth going on a portrait studio hiatus for, at least, many, many years. Next time we want to get some family shots, we're going to beg a family member who owns a nice camera, or pony up the big bucks to get a professional do some outside. That looks WAY more fun.
We went to the studio today because I had some specific shots I wanted to round out my current collection, and to get a family picture with Miles in it. I am happy to say I did have those requests fulfilled reasonably well. And we did get a few shots of the family that are reasonably ok as well... but the process was exhausting.
After deliberating for hours and hours the past week about what outfits we should all wear, I got everyone to the studio in our first outfit collection -- remarkably without anyone staining anything. However, the first portion of our session went not-so-swimmingly, despite our cute outfits. Someone was extremely uncooperative (later claiming he was "nervous" -- and then asking, "What does nervous mean?"). About 10 employees were on-hand to watch this stubborn rebellion, and our parenting responses, which added no small amount of pressure the situation.

We eventually had to give up, take a break, and change into our 2nd outfits. We all got a little more cheery finally.

Sort of, anyway...
Meanwhile, I was probably driving the photographer up the wall with my requests for "something casual, not typical poses," etc...
The pictures I wanted for my collections were these:
Rayna at age 7 in a white shirt, to match the one I have of Strider at age 7 in a white shirt...

One of Pete and Miles to round out the collection on this wall (still need a frame) :
This new one of Cole and Milo (on the left) to match the one of Strider and Rayna at those same ages (on the right):
And these were some bonus shots we got that I ended up liking pretty well, too...

So, all in all, a good time to be done with studio pictures for a long, long time!