This year, by all reports, was bigger and better than ever! As per tradition, here is the interview with the attendee:
Me: Strider, tell me in 7 words or less how Cousins Camp was this summer.
Strider: Well, let's see...
Me: You only have 4 words left.
Strider: Ummm....
Me: 3 words left...
Strider: Ummmm...
Me: You'd better start being careful! Now just 2 words left!
Strider: Really awesome!
Me: Well that's good to hear. What were your favorite activities?
Strider: Ummm, going tubing on the lake, and canoeing and jumping off the dock into the lake, and playing soccer with Ellie and Nonna and Poppa.
Me: Is that it?
Strider: I liked everything- - but those were some of my favorites.
Strider: I liked everything- - but those were some of my favorites.
Me: So what else did you do?
Strider: We played Mini-Golf, went to the Schiele Museum, went to Meg-Art, went to an awesome ice cream place called TCBY, and made California Rolls -- sushi.
Strider: We played Mini-Golf, went to the Schiele Museum, went to Meg-Art, went to an awesome ice cream place called TCBY, and made California Rolls -- sushi.
Me: What is Meg-Art exactly, and did you really get ice cream at a place called The Country's Best Yogurt??
Strider: Meg-Art is a place where you paint pottery.
Me: You liked painting pottery?
Strider: Yeah, it was fun! And then it gets fired in a kiln.
Me: Did you do any other crafts?
Strider: We made birdhouses.
Me: What does the banner say that you're holding in this picture (below)?Strider: The Best Cousins Camp EVER. Strider and Ellie; Ava and Rayna; Branson, Kai, and Colsen.
Me: So all 3 sessions of Cousins Camp are represented -- that's nice! Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today, Strider. I'm glad you had so much fun. Now, go take a shower and get back to your chores.
As I'm writing this, Rayna is currently have a blast of her own during Cousins Camp, Session 2011:B, with Ava. And then later this week Colsen will have a turn during Session C.... and then my parents just may sleep for a week afterwards!
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