Miles has transformed into a full-fledged talker before our very eyes the last few months, and we've gotten a kick out of hearing what he has to say. I love hearing him say words like "actually" or "first" in context. To commemorate the speech "Miles-stone," here are his Top 9 Phrases:
1. "I do it. I said, I do it!"
3. "'Cuz, I dunno." Whenever we ask him why something has occurred, this is his standard answer. Most often, it is in this context... Me: Miles, why did you get out of your crib when we told you not to? Miles: 'Cuz, I dunno.
4. "So tired." Or "so hungry," or "so thirsty," or, tonight, "so spicy," when he was eating a Thai chicken dish that Pete concocted. He's never just hungry or tired -- it's always SO hungry or SO tired. Another dramatic Frank child -- what a surprise.
5. "Whatcha doin' Dad?"
6 and 7. "Wanna See!" Anytime any of us are looking at something or reading something, he tell us he must be included. Then when we show him whatever the item is, he always follows it up with, "Nice."
8. "Colsen is 2. Minos is 4." He still wants us to think he's the older one. He is well aware of all our ages (if you quiz him, he'll tell you I'm 38, Pete's 39, etc), and he's always looking to switch ages with one of us. Not a very content last-born at this point!
9. "Ohhhhhh.... I get it." Usually said when he actually does not understand what we just said.
We love our silly, independent, passionate, talkative boy!
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