"Shark Attack"
(get it??)
"Professor Mini-man"
and "Ohio State cheerleader"
Here's the trio out to hit the neighborhood!
Strider had been waffling all month about whether or not he was too old for Halloween, and finally decided not to participate. But then some of his friends showed up at the door and he decided to throw on a quick costume and join them for a few houses.

Then he got annoyed when I tried to take his picture after he got home.
This morning, the kids were all doing the big Candy Trade while I was upstairs. I might have worried that the youngest would get taken advantage of since he is not familiar with most of the kinds of candy, but he was able to take care of himself. As Strider reported to me later, "Miles was so cute! He didn't know which ones he should trade, so every time someone asked him for one, he would smell it first to decide if he liked it or not."
The last-born develops his own coping skills. :)
Now they're all getting excited for our annual "All Saints Day hide-and-seek-in-the-dark game" tonight!
Jack did the same thing as Strider this year. We had all of 2 trick-or-treaters at our house. They came on quads. It's just not the same out here. :(