Little Strider at Kingwood Gardens in Ohio |
While visiting the botanical gardens in Columbia recently, I started thinking about how we've taken our kids to various gardens many times in the last decade.
Now on this drizzly January afternoon, I decided it was a good day to give myself a good "garden walk" by finding the pictures we've taken over the years. As I added it up, I realized we've been to at least 8 different formal gardens (in 3 different countries), for a total of at least 16 visits!
I'm not sure why we always seek out the gardens when we take family trips.... Probably simply because I love gardens and I want my kids to, too.
I read once that someone who is deeply grieving can be comforted by surrounding himself with beauty. Even when not grieving, I think being in gardens still ministers to our souls, healing some of the daily hurts, showing us order in a disorderly world.
So we will probably continue to visit botanical gardens whenever we get the chance... or until the kids refuse to go anymore. And then Pete and I will go by ourselves. :)
Here are some of the pictures I found on my photo "garden walk" today:
"God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures."
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