
Sunday, February 23, 2014

And now... back to the kids

While I've been pondering and writing about acedia and other stuff, the kids have continued to be, well, kids.  I love hearing all their philosophizing, so I finally sat them down and put a camera on them to ask them about "the point of life."

Here is Colsen's point of view.  (It actually went on for 4 and a half minutes, but I trimmed it down for sharing.  :)  )

Then Miles wanted a turn.  His turned out to be about, well, food.

Finally, Rayna wanted to get in on the action, too.  Unfortunately for her, the action around her didn't stop, so the poor girl was distracted.... which is a commentary on her life as it is.  She came up with some good truths anyway, though!

The soundtrack you hear in the background occasionally in these videos is provided (unwittingly and unknowingly) by Strider and his guitar teacher Steve, who were playing upstairs at the time.

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