(This is a fake cry-- he's being silly on purpose) |
Yes, back to the same Urgent Care doctors we went yesterday, with the same child. This time it was his arm.
We had all been in the backyard, where I kept saying, "Come down from there," and "Stop jumping on that," and "Calm down." Right as we were about to go in, Miles, while we were not paying attention, attempted the monkey bars -- which he had been told not to do because of the staples in his head.
We saw him fall, but it was just a 2-3 foot drop, so didn't think much of it. (Later he told us he was attempting some sort of "salmon ladder" trick he saw on American Ninja Warrior). He cried out a little, but not much -- then said, "Oh no -- Look!"
Miles never really cried or got hysterical, which was really weird -- especially once the doctors saw the x-ray and realized both bones had been broken. We're very thankful for God's mercy, that Miles was able to stay calm!
The doctors at Urgent Care called ahead to the Children's Hospital in the city and told us they would be waiting for us there. Maybe they were, but they still made Pete and Miles wait an awfully long time! They weren't sure if they were going to have to do surgery, so Miles wasn't allowed to eat anything the whole time. :(
Finally, 7 hours after the original fall, they set the bones correctly (with NINE people in the room to do it), and then wrapped up the cast, giving Pete instructions for various follow-up appointments over the next few weeks.
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