Me: Wait -- you made it? How??
Colsen: Well, I took the polyester thread from my fly-tying kit and used a length twice as long as I needed and twisted 6 strands together. I was going to use Dad's drill to twist them but I couldn't find. Plus... it's a power tool and I knew I shouldn't just use that. So I connected them to my yo-yo and spun it around a whole bunch of times until the tension built up. Now it works great!
Me: But... WHY are you making your own strings?
Colsen: Because then they're free! Or, only the cost of the thread.
Me: But.... do you need more than one string??
Colsen: Mom! I can go through about a string A DAY! Well maybe not quite that often, but I go through a LOT! I just paid $8.00 to buy 10 new strings!
Me: Huh.
Colsen: And you know, Mom, the color of the string really matters....
Me: Just be careful, Bud. I don't want you to get TOO obsessed with this.
Colsen: Oh I know! That's why I always have more than one hobby, so I don't get too obsessed. Like right now I have fishing, yo-yo-ing, soccer, piano and building with balsa wood. So don't show me any more videos, ok? I don't want to get any more hobbies! Actually... I do want to learn about kendamas. Have you heard about kendamas? I think you should watch some videos about them Mom... They have really cool physics involved! Can we look that up?
Here we go....
I told you he is one in a million. Tell him when I come over I am going to teach him some new hobbies :) - and that Ithink he may have just found a way to finance the fly fishing trip he is going to take to Montana one day - I bet there is a market for homemade custom yo yo strings - seriously...