
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Lame December Field Trips

Since our CC group takes off for the month of December, I figured this would be a good time to take the kids on some field trips.  We've been studying American history, so the President Polk homesite and the Andrew Jackson/Waxhaw Indian museum seemed like good options.

The Polk site was mildly interesting, but extremely unhelpful in terms of a field trip.  No one was around to tell us anything because they were all attending to a public school group, and we weren't allowed access into most of the buildings or the film because the staff was otherwise occupied.  So we poked around a little and left.

The Andrew Jackson place was only slightly more informative.  We had to pry the docent away from his social hang-out time with the other staff, and by that point our time was limited.

I did, at least, find an effective discipline method for the boys.

The best part of that field trip was heading into downtown Waxhaw afterwards.  We had seen in the museum a photo of some of the buildings there from around 1900, and then we got to not only see, but go IN those exact buildings.  Things have changed a bit - livestock and wagons are no longer sold there.  But very tasty lunch food is!

 Incidentally, the only real piece of interesting information we heard was at BOTH places -- that the youngest walking, talking child in a family used to be responsible for emptying all of the chamber pots in a family's home.  Miles has never been so grateful that Jinna Rai is not a part of our family.  :)

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