Cannon fire could be heard at our house this afternoon! We made our way over to the park in time to catch much of the battle... and what a production it was. I had no idea so many people would be involved, or that the weapons would be SO loud. The first time we heard the cannons up close, Jinna cried.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Civil War Reenactment
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Back to School!
I don't think there's ever been a year when kids are more looking forward to finally getting back to school than this one! And even though we were homeschooling last year so covid didn't alter our schedules too, too much, our kids are still excited for all the new adventures slated for this year.
They're so excited, in fact, that these 3 surprised me by getting all dressed up for the first day of Poplar Streams Academy!
I also had been planning to surprise them by dressing up... so we were all so elegant that day.
After our traditional Apple Pie Breakfast, we dove in to our books. I had just listened to a podcast about how all of studying and learning is to prepare us for better prayer... to train our minds to attend better. Isn't that a profound thought? So our studying has new vim this year.
There's nothing more exciting and full of promise than the first week of a new school year!
Monday, August 24, 2020
Gee-Gee-'s birthday in the Grove
Celebrating Jane's birthday was a good occasion to gather family from Maine, DC, Ohio, and Pittsburgh.... even if we had to stay outside the whole time to be covid-careful. Thankfully the weather cooperated! It was good to see everyone and catch up in person instead of via Zoom!
We were missing the Bains.... but coming from Minnesota was a little far for just a weekend! :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Summer bright spots
Obviously this sunflower field was a local bright spot...
... but another bright spot for our summer was getting to play tennis! Pete and I have enjoyed going over to the courts several times a week, and fiiiinalllly, after hours and hours of playing we are finally getting back some of our old form. We'll never be great -- and we never were -- but it's been good to get some good rallies in before we start the rest of our day.
Sometimes I get proud of myself for holding my own against Pete -- and sometimes I even beat him -- but then I remember that he has usually run 6 miles before we meet up at the courts and I don't feel so good about myself anymore. :(
Saturday, August 15, 2020
It is verrrrry hard to believe, but our sweet Rayna is now 18! She had a terrific birthday... perhaps her best ever!
Then we gathered up some friends and went to play mini golf, which was super fun.
Getting presents was a highlight, too.... Especially the electric piano from us and Nonna and Poppa!
But the BEST part of the day for her was getting to go to some of her new favorite people's house -- the Browns.' Since it was Brian and JT's birthdays a few days later, we all enjoyed a big celebration. Jodi was so sweet to go all-out and decorate and everything! Plus, they had water balloons, corn hole, bocce, the big balls you can get inside, balls on a trampoline... everything you need for a PAR-TY! I don't think Rayna stopped grinning all night.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
And now that people are able to travel a bit more we've been thankful to see friends who stop by on their various trips -- like the Prevost family traveling from NY back to NC.
It still feels surreal that we don't live in NC anymore... so we've appreciated the interactions we've been able to have with our long-time friends, either in person or online. :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
An afternoon in Volant

Saturday, August 8, 2020
A bright day in the 'Burgh

...and Pete enjoyed getting his picture taken by some of his favorite words. :)