
Friday, March 28, 2008

More Strider Sayings

Some of the things he's said recently...

Strider the Wordsmith
Strider: Mom!
Me: What?
Strider: Nothing. I was just trying to waste your words. Now you probably only have about 3 billion left to use in your life. I have about 4 googol.*

And another day...

Strider: Mom, I think Colsen's favorite NBA team is the San Antonio Spurs. He keeps saying "Sas! Sas!" and SAS stands for San Antonio Spurs!

He sure thinks highly of me...

Me (to Pete); Good grief! I forgot to put out all the salad toppings on the table last night when we had the Yoran's over! That was such a boring salad we had and I didn't even think of it! I'm so lame! I'm the lamest! [yes, slightly dramatic.... maybe you see where Strider gets it from]
Strider (overhearing): Mom, you're not the lamest. I bet there's some drunk guy somewhere that's lamer than you.

And another time...

Strider: Mom, you were right. This latch-hooking is getting a lot easier. I guess it wasn't as hard as I thought.
Me: See, Strider? Once in awhile your mother is actually right!
Strider: Yeah, once in awhile. But usually you're wrong.
[Sarcasm backfired.]

And one last "note:"

When Strider practices the piano he sometimes will start just playing the same note repeatedly until I finally tell him to stop! Then he says, "I'm stuck! I'm like a CD!" [Just what we need around here -- more annoying noise.]

You never know what is going to come out of the mouth of a child...or his fingers, for that matter.

* Yes, this is actually how you spell it!

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