
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Boxing Day

Yesterday we continued our tradition of celebrating Boxing Day (we cleaned out a bunch of stuff from our house, put it in boxes to give away, then assembled a bunch of cookies into boxes to take to a homeless shelter)...
..but we also added a new feature this year: "Box-Fest!" This is something Katie has introduced to us (although they used to be called "pigfests" -- we think our name is much better). The idea is that everyone comes to dinner with a "proposition" to defend. Then we take exactly 15 minutes to discuss/debate (box) each person's issue. The proposition can have to do with anything concerning culture, politics, current events, etc, so it was interesting to hear the things everyone brought to talk about!

Some of the topics we discussed were:
-the need for kids/teens to go through a rite-of-passage
-whether or not religious views are imporant, compared to experience, morality, etc, when choosing a Presidential candidate
-re-thinking the role of college
-whether or not personality and "gifts" assessments or tests have any benefit or value
-encouraging high school graduates to take a year to do something different before heading to college
-definition of marriage
-creation of child-rearing-entities by the State
-.... and many corollaries of the above!

At the end of the night, Katie and Graham summed up our "take-aways" by saying, "Our children will go through rites of passage, skip and/or delay college and personality assessments, and get a license for raising children. And Vote for Ron Paul!" Or something like that. :)

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