
Monday, July 29, 2019

Bible Blast

This summer the kids participated in a program I made up for our church.... Bible Blast!  We decided to make learning about the Bible -- and actually learning verses from the Bible -- fun and exciting, so I bought some buzzers and tried to recreate some of the ideas I remembered from Junior Bible Quizzing when I was young.

Kids ages 9-12 were invited on Wednesday mornings, and we divided everyone into 2 teams, the Colossians and the Philippians.  Each time got to choose a mascot and make a team banner for the wall, so we ended up with the Colossian Crocodiles and the Philippians Leviathan.  Then they competed all summer to get gold coins and fill their jars -- with the prize being an ice cream sundae party.

To get gold coins the kids memorized verses (some did as many as 20 verses in 8 weeks... and they may in fact live in our house) or won the various quiz games that we played.  I wrote up 100 facts from the Bible... things like "Who was the mother of Isaac?" or "How many books are in the New Testament?" and the kids learned the answers for the games.  I think it was a lot of fun!

We also did a lot of games with red cups since I bought several hundred at the beginning of the summer and didn't want them to go to waste...

It was a Blast!

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