
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Broken ankle

 The kids these days like to try to "break his ankles" when they play soccer, and in Milo's case he actually did just that (although I think you're supposed to break your opponent's ankle, not your own).  It didn't look very serious when he did it... he hobbled off the field and didn't seem to be in much pain.

Thankfully, our friend who is a PT was stopping by to pick something up at our house and said he'd look at the ankle.  His diagnosis was that it was probably broken, so off we went to get x-rays.  Yep, broken.  Then the orthopedist thought it might be a pretty serious fracture, so off we went to get an MRI.  

Jinna had an MRI about 2 weeks previous to this to check her pituitary gland, and they discovered a cyst on her brain... It's been an eventful month, medically speaking.  Turns out I don't get an award for having 2 kids get MRI within the month, though.... Just really big bills.)

Anyway, the MRI showed that he would likely need surgery, which we were not thrilled to hear.  When the surgeon met with us later that week, though, he said he thought we could proceed without surgery and see if things healed properly on their own.  Yay!

Mercifully, the ankle does appear to be healing straight and surgery will be avoided for now.  It's just a long road of casts, crutches, and boot.... But Miles is a trooper and rarely complains.  This is his 3rd bone break now... guess he's learning the drill.

After the visit to the surgeon's office, we stopped at Playthings, Etc., the world's coolest toy store!

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