
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Turns out we're pretty old

We spent a lot of this weekend hanging out with friends younger than us. On Friday night we had 2 of our favorite 20-something couples over for dinner and we enjoyed the evening quite a bit. The best part, though, was that they stayed until 11 pm and I came down the next morning to a bunch of empty beer bottles and wine bottles (well, maybe only 1 wine bottle). None of the pansy have-to-go-home-to-bed by 9:30 like some of our.... older friends tend to do. We felt pretty hip.... except for when our "Seinfeld" references went over like lead balloons since our guests weren't even born yet when that show was on. (Ok, maybe they were alive during that show's heyday.... but it was on past their bedtime)

Then today we had 10 people over after church for lunch and, with the exception of one couple, we were again the oldest in attendance -- by a lot, as it turned out. Everyone who came over is somehow connected to Wingate University, or wants to be in some way, so we were talking about how to build relationships with the students there. As the others were talking, it became quite clear that college has changed substantially since Pete and I were in that environment! Students have completely different mindsets, goals, beliefs, etc. Pete and I both still feel like we're about 23 years old.... It's always weird to realize there's a whole generation of people now between our perceived age and our actual age!

We're going to try and stay young though.... we'll keep hanging out with these 20-somethin's.... as long as they don't find us too boring.

(Our kids had a great time, of course, this weekend, getting all kinds of extra attention. Twice Strider was able to bribe adults to play baseball with him -- the last time I played a sport with him (football) I ended up incurring an elbow injury that has lasted for 2 months. So I know he was happy to have some YOUNG adults playing with him. He also enjoyed having some new people to talk to. Today he was telling everyone about how he thinks Tony Romo is probably still his favorite NFL player, but he's less cool now that he started dating Jessica Simpson. And Rayna loved all the company on the swingset- - and getting to try on all the cool girls' bracelets and purses. Colsen just had a blast seeing everyone... especially Aunt "Ka-ay". He still thinks everytime we have a group of people over, it's all for him, so he tries to put on a big show.)

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