
Saturday, October 4, 2008

"Actually" I don't know why this is so funny to me...

From the perspective of some people, this may just serve to underscore a new level of banality in my life, but I have been getting a kick out of watching my kids try out grown-up words. It cracks me up when I hear Strider discussing politics or the economy with our adult neighbors, or when I hear Rayna referring to her art project as "fabulous." And Colsen is of course at the stage in which he is trying to sound more and more grown up all the time. I loved hearing him say goodnight to Rayna last night as we left her room and he added, "Sleep well, Rayna." I also like it when he adds "or somethin'" or "and stuff" to the end of his sentences, like when he handed me his pacifier the other day and said, "Put in crib or somethin." And I like it when I hand him something and he says, "Fanks, Mommy" then pauses and says, "You're welcome, Mommy!"

But my favorite word that kids learn is "actually." I don't know why it always strikes me -- I remember remarking about it when both Strider and Rayna started saying it -- but it just does. It just takes them to a new level of big-kid, I think. This past week Colsen has been trying it out... I'm still not sure he knows exactly what it means, but he tries. Several times I've heard him say something like "Going upstairs, Mommy. Be right back. Actually....can't," and then he keeps going.

And speaking of things that make me smile, I've been meaning to capture this on film for about 9 months now... finally did. When our other kids learned to come down the stairs, they were always very careful and would methodically come down one step at a time -- foot, knee, hand, hand. But Colsen, almost from the first time he tried it, just shoots down them lickety-split like this. It always sounds like he's falling when I hear him coming, but he loves it!

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