
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some Colsen Concerns

Is this something I should be concerned about?
Colsen loves to play with Miles... He always uses his high-pitched voice and says things like, "Hi, Baby Miles. I want to kiss him. He's so cute. He's so little..." etc. But several times now he's also thrown this in: "I I love his head. I want to take his head off." And in case I don't quite get his meaning, he adds, "I want to take him apart."

So, we'll just file this under, "More Reasons to Not Leave Colsen and Miles Alone Together."

Meanwhile, Cole's had his own concerns to deal with...
The first few times he saw us change Miles' diaper, he was very alarmed to see the umbilical cord/belly button on him. He kept pointing at it and asking in a distressed voice, "What's THAT?!" We tried to explain it to him, but he was never very satisfied with our explanations.
Then, the other day I had to change Colsen's diaper, and decided to just change him downstairs since I had a box of wipes we were using for Miles there anyway. Colsen started freaking out about it though, saying, "Don't use Miles' wipes! Don't use his wipes!"
I couldn't figure out what the big deal was -- wipes are wipes, right? -- until he said, "I don't have a Bilical Cord! I don't have a Bilical Cord!"... and apparently he was afraid they were contagious or something!
Poor little guy... so much to figure out in this world.

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