
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Conversation of the day

Tonight Pete was telling me about the very unique evening he had.  This was the end of the conversation...

Pete:  Joseph and his wife were there, too.
Me: Wait -- what?  Wives could have gone?  Why didn't you tell me?
Pete:  You would have wanted to go?  I didn't think you'd want to pay for a babysitter.
Me:  When the evening involves following a police-escorted motorcade transporting a U.S. Senator to a fancy reception at someone's huge mansion that everyone else is paying $1000 per couple to be at and you get to go for free -- oh, and you get to hang out with Marco Rubio -- well, yes, I think I'd pay for a babysitter.
Pete:  Oh, I didn't know that.
Me:  ????  Ok, this is going on the blog.


  1. You gave me a great laugh this morning!! Just so you know, we would be happy to babysit (for FREE) if you ever get another opportunity to go to a mansion with great food and cool senators again. Make sure Pete knows this little fact. :-)

  2. Thanks, Jen!! Next time we get that opportunity, we'll let you know. :)

  3. Wow- - all these sitter offers.... We should go out more often! Of course your plane ticket, Sue, might be slightly prohibitive.... :)
