
Monday, May 7, 2012

Conversations with Colsen

In honor of Colsen's half-birthday yesterday (now he's 5.5!), I'm recording a few of the things he's been talking about:

Lately, he's has been pretending to be another kid (who he's made up)  -- usually one that's a street kid, very poor, from London, named Jon Harris.  So we have a lot of conversations like this:

Colsen:  Hi.  I just got here and I was wondering if I could stay with you guys.  My name is Jon Harris.
Me:  Oh, hi Jon Harris.  Of course you can stay with us.  Would you like some dinner?  Maybe you could share a bed with our son who's about your age named Colsen.
Colsen:  Who is this "Colsen?"  I have never met him.
Strider:  Hey -- if you're from London, what do you call an apartment?
Colsen:  A flat.  And it's right next to Big Ben.  In fact, I'm one of the guards there.
Strider:  Yeah, but say it with an accent.

A week or so later, Colsen was again pretending that he was a lonely boy without parents.  When I greeted him and invited him to stay for dinner, I asked him if he happened to be Jon Harris.
He answered,  "No, I'm not.  But I know him!  We used to be poor together!"


He came home from being with a new group of kids at someone's house last night and he was all happy about his new friends.  The first thing he told me was, "I met this new girl and we made a deal that we're going to get married!" 

"Oh," I said.  "So what is this girl's name?"

"I don't know," was the answer.


The other morning Colsen and Miles were playing in their room, singing songs.  Colsen came out to tell me that they were having a party for God.  "We're singing songs and having fun because that's what you do at a party!" he told me.  Then, apparently remembering another key component of a party, he said, "And Jesus is the Cake of God since He's the best special treat we're ever going to have!"


While we were starting to read an "endangered animals" book, Cole eagerly jumped in with an explanation for the other kids:  "When all of the animals start to die, they are extinking!"

He came up to me while I was washing dishes last night and said,

"Mom, I think there must be an adult-English language and a kid-language.  'Cuz I don't know all the adult-language words.  Like I don't know what "application" means."

I said, "I guess you're right."

He responded, "See?  You used kid-language words so I would be able to understand you!  I need to learn adult-language."

**  Updated 5/9/12...

This morning, before I even got out of bed, this is what I was greeted with:

"Mom, did you know that in the navy there are all kinds of jobs in the world?  So know what I am?  I'm in the navy and I'm a cook!  I cook a lot of food because people get hungry at war.  Sometimes the war lasts all night!  But I still know how to kill people.  I wait at my restaurant all night, and it gets a little stressed because every night ninjas come!  Last night they came and and I had to fight them, I punched them all out.  But I didn't kill them, thankfully.  I gotta go get dressed.  Bye!"

The pictures above show him playing with the one toy he brought here (a gift from Nonna).  He plays with it allllll the time and it becomes all kinds of fascinating objects.  :)

1 comment:

  1. amy, this kid cracks. me. up. i can't wait to see who he'll become as an adult!
