
Monday, August 14, 2017

Boy talk

The males in our house keep things colorful, that's for sure.  In the past 24 hours, I've heard a range of things come out of their mouths....

From the dramatic...

Colsen: This is how my legs felt:
You dip your leg in liquid nitrogen, and then pull it out, and then dip it molten lava, then pull it out.
It feels like a noodle that is numb and is about to fall off.

... to the gross?...

Miles: It smells really bad in the bathroom right now because (and between the beginning of this sentence and the end of it my mind had already concocted a dozen different scenarios for why this was so)… someone knocked over a bottle of soap and it’s leaking all over the counter.  (Not what I was expecting.)

... to the the rather confident:

Pete to me:  Thanks for praying for the talks I had to give today.  They turned out well --  I was really inspiring!

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