
Friday, August 31, 2018

Cousins Days

Once again Cousins Days were BIG days around here!

Since this year our theme is "Moving from Self-Centered Consumers to Compassionate Citizens," and we spent Day 1 talking about how to serve as citizens in our FAMILIES, we moved on in Day 2 to talking about how to serve in our NEIGHBORHOODS.

The main project for the day was making blankets for homeless children in our community...

And there was also plenty of silliness and messiness!

Then, on our 3rd Cousins Day, we focused on how to be compassionate citizens in the WORLD.
After coloring some pictures for soldiers and the elderly, and practicing writing checks for a million dollars (many of the kids addressed them to "The Poor," which was sweet), we made a craft and then got ready for the BIG NIGHT.

Parents joined us for dinner and the BIG PRODUCTION.  This year the kids did a skit based on "The Emperor's New Clothes,".... although some liberties were taken in costuming and props.

 Afterwards we taught the adults some of our songs, including the kids' favorite:  the JELLYFISH.  It was funny to see everyone hopping around like fools. 😄😄

Thus wrapped another season of Cousins Days.  Looking forward to next year!

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