
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Final NC St. Nick's Day

Our last St. Nicholas Day in NC went out with a bang!

The Burkes, our long-time St. Nick's Day fellow celebrators, invited us to their new home for dinner, which was lovely.

Strider, Isaac and Brennyn arrived soon after and we all set out to find McRae at Chick Fil-A before heading to our Candy-Caning destinations.

 The first couple of homes went off without a hitch....

But on the final house we got SO busted!  Worse than we EVER have before.

When we pulled onto the target's street, we noticed the homeowners were in their car in their driveway.  So went down to the cul-de-sac to wait until they left and/or went inside.  Apparently our 3-car caravan on such a quiet street was reason for alarm because the homeowners finally came down to investigate.  We all ducked in our cars so they couldn't see us.  The homeowners slowly drove back to their house.... where they continued to wait in their cars!

Eventually we decided to let the kids try to run through the neighbors' yards so they could go candy-cane the back yard.  Blair and I decided to walk down the street as if we were just out for a stroll, as a means of diversion.

And we all got caught -- big time.  The homeowners drove right up to Blair and me and asked us what was going on.  Meanwhile the teenagers in the home started chasing our crew out of the backyard... all kinds of screeching and running ensued.

The ironic thing was -- the homeowners had been in their driveway because they were about to go out to do some St. Nicholas Day stocking shopping!  We got busted by the very holiday!

Anyway, it all worked out in the end and we ended up having some really meaningful conversations with the homeowners later that showed that God had been at work in it all.... and we all came away grateful for His interventions and blessings in our lives.

What a night!

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