
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Boosting the economy

Hypothesis: We should give the Patriots credit for giving our economy a boost (to be seen in 2008)… perhaps even a greater boost than the Bush/Congress Economic Stimulus Package would give.

Reasoning #1:

A. The Super Bowl had its highest ratings ever, probably due in part because people tuned in to see if the Patriots really could complete the Perfect Season.
B. Since the Patriots did NOT blow out the Giants by the halftime, as many expected, people did not turn off their TV’s as often as people would if there was no real contest.
C. More viewers in the 2nd half = more viewers of very expensive ads.
D. More viewers* = more people persuaded to buy the product (see Marketing 101…. I can give tutorials if necessary)
E. More people persuaded to buy = more sales for retailers = more sales for distributors = more sales for manufacturers
F. More sales = more jobs for aforementioned retailers, distributors and manufacturers
G. More jobs = stronger economy!

*Since these numbers are in the millions, we can assume the effect on sales dollars is quite high.

Reasoning # 2

A. I don’t know how network advertising works, but I would assume the advertisers pay more for ads when there are more viewers expected. So more viewers = more money in networks’ pockets.
B. And more money in networks’ pockets = more money they can spend to settle with the writers!
C. And when the writers are happy, there will be more new shows on TV.
D. And when there are finally some new shows on TV, the advertisers will be ready to spend more money on ads...
E. And then we’re back to line of Reasoning #1, Point D and following. A multiplied effect!!

So let’s all be grateful to the Patriots…. True patriots they have proven themselves to be.
(We'll give a little credit to the Giants, too, since it was their tough playing that kept the game a real competition.)

And the best news is, this particular economic boost won't add to our 9 trillion dollar debt.
Thanks, boys!!

(I'd love to get some actual data on all this and run the numbers. If you have access to any of that, let me know!)

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