
Monday, November 24, 2008

What is a "complete day?"

I've been pondering this question lately.... What things need to fall in place for me to feel like I've had a full, fulfilling day? Some days just feel like everything is in sync, and despite whatever peanut butter ends up on the carpet or how many toddler tantrums must occur, the day still feels "good." Other days, even when I get to do a lot of "fun" things, I still go to bed restless and feeling incomplete. So what are the goals for me? Well, here is what I've come up with so far.

A complete day would include:

  1. a time for reflection, reading, absorbing Truth

  2. purposeful worship

  3. music (listening to, and/or singing)

  4. eating some healthy, homemade food

  5. eating some probably-not-healthy-but-yummy treats (usually will involve chocolate)

  6. exercise of some sort (going up the stairs a few times counts. Nothing strenuous to make me sweat, though, please!)

  7. taking some deep breaths

  8. getting some fresh air outside

  9. doing something creative and/or productive (this can be as simple as creating a notecard for someone, putting some flowers in a vase, or even changing the water filter in my Brita pitcher)

  10. communicating with someone who lives outside this house

And that's about it. I've noticed that cleaning my house is not on this list (although there are some non-negotiables, like at least wiping the kitchen counters in the evening, etc).

Of course my favorite times are when I can combine several of these activities at once, such as doing 7, 8, 6, and 3 at one time. Or, better yet, 5 and 10 at once. Much more efficient that way. :)

So that's my list... It's a good thing I don't have a full-time job, because I don't see room to that fit in anywhere. I can barely fit in a very part-time job (which counts as #9 when it does occur).
I'm curious to hear what other people would put on their lists... If you come up with yours, let me know!

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