
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My "family circus"

This morning as we were dodging puddles as we walked, scootered, biked or were pushed in a stroller on our way to the pool for swimming lessons, this comic came to mind. Take away the cold-weather clothing (and the nice tall, lean body for the mom), and you pretty much have our family!

I used to love reading these comics when I was a kid... never imagining that someday I would have my own Billy, Dolly, Jeffy and PJ. I have joined the Family Circus!
And I felt like I was right in one of those strips this morning when I heard Colsen/Jeffy explaining to Rayna/Dolly that he didn't think she should go to swimming lessons today because "It's waining. Look, Wayna. God finks the planst need more water!"


  1. Love that comic! That is so cool that you have the same exact type of family as Family Circus. Cute..

  2. That is so cute!! It looks like the Frank family! :-)
