
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Recent conversations with the older 3

Last week I was doing a phonemic awareness exercise with Rayna in which I was saying things like, "What is 'pencil' without the 'cil'?"  And, "What is 'Thursday' without the 'Th'?" 

Strider, who was walking by the table, decided to throw in his own example:  "What is 'America's Next Great Restaurant' without Bobby Flay?"

Evidently Strider is quite taken with that show.


Another day, as part of Rayna's vocabulary development, I asked her to describe an alligator to me.

She started off by saying, "Ok, it's green and big, and can dance."

Later, after she had told me all about its body and face, I was trying to indicate to her that she had forgotten to mention his legs, so I asked her, "How does the alligator move?"

She responded, "He rides on a train."

Her world is a fun place!

Last week, while walking around the pond across the street, Colsen and I were chatting.  He very animatedly started telling me, "A few days ago I was at the pond, and I saw a man fishing and you know what he caught? He caught a FILAPIA! [explanation: tilapia is his favorite fish to eat]  And then I touched it, and then you know what I touched?  I touched a SEA SNAKE and then, and THEN, I saw a FROG laying on her nest of eggs, wasn't that exciting?..."

The story goes on and on with this child... all without any interruptions for taking a breath.  I don't know how alarmed I should be with how quickly he can make up completely fictional stories!

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