
Saturday, June 2, 2012

My alarm clocks

I'm thankful beyond words for the fact that I do not have to wake up to an alarm clock beeping 5 days a week.  Parents get their own special wake-up calls, though... and this morning (A SATURDAY), I was treated to a few different kinds.

First there was the little guy slipping in to sleep next to me.  That one was sweet.  Then he decided he wanted to sleep on the other side of me;  the crawling over and covers-disruption was not as sweet.

Then there was another little guy who came running in yelling at the top of his lungs, "MOM I CAN'T GET THE TV TO WORK!  I PUSHED THE WRONG BUTTON!  IT WON'T WORK!  FIX IT!"  So much for the "babystitter option."  Without opening my eyes, I sincerely and foolishly hoped for the reprieve of a "snooze button" by telling the boys to go play quietly somewhere for a little while.  They left and my breathing started to slow back down....

But the snooze interval was way too short. Approximately 2 minutes later, one of the boys started "making up a song" on the piano, which was rather lovely on its own.  Unfortunately, not one but both dogs started howling-braying-singing very loudly as accompaniment.   AWOOOOOOO-AWOOOOOOOO! I'm sure all of the neighbors on the block appreciated that.  Wake-up call for everyone!

Still I persisted in trying to keep my eyes closed and my head on my pillow.... And then the alarm clock went off again, in the form of a 3-year old.  His head 4 inches from mine, he started poking my eyes, nose and mouth, and chanting various words like "doo-doo" and "poopy" -- words he knows he's not allowed to say when I am upright and conscious.

I opened my eyes long enough to give him a reminding look-- I would, in fact, be upright and conscious soon.  He abruptly stopped, but the snooze button had finally been pushed the final time. Even though it was well over an hour earlier than the time I would choose to arise, sleep was now elusive and it was time to get up, and face the "What's for breakfast?/When are we having breakfast?"question barrage.

 At least my alarm clocks are cute, even if their snooze button features are broken.

(No pictures today -- since Pete and Strider have the camera with them in Turkey this weekend, most likely having adventures far more interesting than this!)

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