
Thursday, June 6, 2013


We officially have a teenager in the house now!  Totally crazy.  Happy birthday, Strider!

This has been a big week for him, between this milestone birthday and the milestone GateWay ceremony, and we've enjoyed taking the time to pause and reflect on who he is and who he's becoming.  What a fascinating and fun guy he is!

This week has also been nice for me as I've been able to watch him in a role that I love.  The kids and I have been going up to Aunt Katie's house to help out with a little VBS for preschoolers that she's been hosting.  Strider was asked to be in charge of the games, and he's done a great job corralling the little guys.  I love watching him teach them and coach them.  (I keep telling him I think he's a coach at heart.)

After last year's birthday trip to Turkey,* this year's celebration was bound to be anti-climactic, but I think he's had a good day anyway.  The other kids were very excited first thing this morning to give him the gifts they had picked out and wrapped, and later we gave him the gift from us and his grandparents:  a basketball goal.

The cake was a group effort, designed by many heads and hands, and ended up being coconut cake with vanilla pudding filling and chocolate coconut frosting.  But, between Strider's lunch out, time at a friend's house, and then long swim meet tonight, he hasn't been home long enough for us to actually eat the cake.... so it's been postponed until tomorrow.  :)

Thankful for the first 13 years with this guy.... excited to see what the next year brings!

*  A link to video of one of the meals they had in Istanbul:

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