
Monday, September 28, 2009

Ancient Egypt lecture -- now I feel ancient

Tonight the kids and I, and Mom, went to a lecture about "The Splendor of Ancient Egypt" since it coincides with the curriculum the kids are using this year. We got there in time to only hear the 2nd half of it thanks to Mapquest not quite understanding the fact that Charlotte likes to recycle the same name for many of its roads, but that's a tangent.

The interesting point, for me anyway, was that the person giving the lecture was a former professor of mine from Grove City -- Dr. Currid! As soon as we walked into the room tonight and I heard the cadence of his voice, it all came back to me in a rush. And when he would stop on a particular slide and say, "Does anyone know which god this represents?" or some other trivia question, I felt like I was going to fail a quiz I should know -- because I'd heard it all before! I took 3 different courses from Dr. Currid, and heard the Egypt stuff at least a couple of times... so it all looked vaguely familiar. :)

(Afterwards I went up to talk to him and had to confess that even though I had given him a hard time about a lot of the theology he espoused all those years ago, I had since realized that maybe he was right about a lot of it. He didn't seem too surprised.)

It was pretty fun to have Strider now learn the information from the same man I did!


  1. That is hilarious!

    Funny note about theology: At the time, Currid got me signed on to his bandwagon, and now I'm quite definitely off. We both ended up doing a 180--just in the opposite directions. :)

  2. How fun to see Dr. Currid--that's so great! I'm glad you had time to chat with him personally too. I'm sure it's got to be encouraging as a prof. to know that your impact extends into generations. Catrin
