
Thursday, June 17, 2010

BYEC Pictures

Our week of Back Yard Explorers Camp has wrapped up, and it sounds like everyone had fun!

We had almost 40 kids here each day, ranging in age from 1 to 16. It was great to see all the ages interacting with each other. And I was happy to see this: the youth/leaders (all pictured here except Taryn who was inside when this picture was taken) were still smiling at the end. :) I was thankful for all their energy and enthusiasm as they led the kids through all the games, songs, and activities.

Here are some of the things we did this week. (I'm posting a lot of pictures so the parents can see what their kids were up to! You should be able to click an individual pic to make it bigger if you want.)

They sang songs...

"You can't ride in my little red wagon"... I'm assuming parents heard this a LOT at home this week. :)
They played a lot of games (capture the flag, elbow tag, cross my ocean, jump the creek, fish in the net, capture the treasure, obstacle courses, relay races...):

They (hopefully) learned a few things (types of clouds, trees, bugs, and birds)...
They participated in other random activities...

....And hopefully enjoyed some time with friends (I know I did!)

(... and did some World Cup cheering. Go Holland!)

Very thankful for a fun week with fun people who were good sports even in crazy heat!


  1. What a lot of fun!!!! You guys sure have the perfect back yard for such a thing!!!

  2. What fun! When my children are a little older, we'll be there! :-)
