
Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This year both of our extended families decided to eliminate some of the gift-giving, so I thought we were in for a much simpler season all the way around.  Yesterday, though, when I was trying to figure out why every day this month has left me feeling frazzled, I decided to count up my list of people I was preparing gifts for. 

 By the time I added in all of the various family, friends, neighbors, kids' teachers, tutors, etc.....  it totaled  42 people.  Forty-two gifts that I am either buying or making.  For someone decision-making-challenged such as myself, just the process of figuring out what to buy/make 42 times is overwhelming!

So.... I'm a little frazzled, and not finding much time for writing, recording, taking pictures, etc.

I do want to record at least one thing from this last week, though. We had the annual mini children's program at church this past weekend and it was sweet.  I didn't get any good pictures -- just a few fuzzy ones from Pete's phone and one I snagged from Facebook, but here's what I have.

Rayna was a narrator/Scripture-reader (not pictured below), Colsen was a shepherd, and Miles was a sheep.

A shepherd and one of his flock
Practicing his "herding skills"

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