
Friday, October 26, 2007

Things I said tonight

Karin has talked before about how she'd like to write a book with all the things she finds herself saying as a mom that she would never have expected to hear herself say.

Along those same lines, I found myself saying "Don't" and "Stop doing" A LOT tonight... to a lot of weird things. Here is a list of the ones I can remember -- I said all of them in the short time between dinner and bedtime tonight!

"No, you cannot do a cannonball into the bathtub!"
"Don't call your sister a 'lighted cigarette.'"
"Stop writing on the ottoman."
"Don't sit on your brother."
"Stop swinging Colsen around by his arm."
"Strider, you are not the 'king' and Rayna is not your 'servant.'"
"Don't push your little brother while he's walking around with a crayon in his mouth."
"Since you didn't listen to me and calm down, now you can only whisper for the next 5 minutes. And you have to run up and down the stairs 10 times."
"Colsen, don't stand on the arm of that chair!"
"Don't step on Colsen"
"Take the tube out of his mouth."
"You guys can only tuck each other in for bed twice. Then you really need to go to sleep."
"Don't eat that!!"
and my personal favorite...
"Strider, don't ever pee into the toilet while standing on a stool again! I don't care if you 'didn't get a drop anywhere!!'"

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