
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why we love Thursdays

Because it's TRASH PICK-UP DAY!
It has now been almost 9 years that this has been an exciting day in my household. And I have to admit that I still smile when I see the kids get excited. (And they don't seem to outgrow the excitement... I even caught Strider watching today)

Today was an especially good day because not only did the trash and recycling trucks come through, but it was also the landscapers' day to mow the grass across the street from us with their big mowers, AND we all got to play outside in the dirt with tools (i.e., gardening). It was the trifecta of a great Spring day.
Cole was so inspired he made his own garbage truck today (note the scrap papers in the back of the truck.... maybe it's actually a recycling truck!)

When we told him we liked his garbage truck, he said, rather disappointedly, "Yeah, but it only has one Flipper, not 2 like the real one."


  1. So darn cute! Sadly, I have no one who loves the garbage truck anymore. I think i am in love with your Cole!

  2. We love Wednesdays at our house for the same reason! :-)
