
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Family blessings

This has been a typical week in our life as a family.  Some of my non-favorite things have transpired (such as broken dishes, broken technology and children with fevers), but it's also been full of many new "favorites."  So that is what I am focusing on today!
  • Hearing Colsen and Rayna singing "God is so Good" in a room by themselves.
  • Hearing Colsen tell me that someday when I get old and if Daddy dies, he will still live by me so he can drive me places and be a big man for me.
  • Watching Strider teach Colsen how to play "Strider Ball"
  • Feeling Colsen hug me as he says, "God gave me the best Mommy."
  • Having Pete home more during the day -- Yay end of the semester time!
  • Playing Blink with the kids
  • Playing Dutch Blitz with Pete and Strider
  • Getting ready to have friends over tonight
  • Listening to Gregorian Chants, after learning about Pope Gregory this morning
  • Watching Rayna line up random items from our pantry to "wrap and give" to some of her aunts and uncles
  • Hearing about how much Pete and Strider enjoyed the "Behold the Lamb" concert last night
  • Hearing Milo's words.  He now calls Strider "Ra-Ra," Rayna "Nay-Nay" and Colsen "Ne-Ne."  (Keen discernment is necessary when listening to him.  For example, "Dee" means juice, "Dee-Dee" means he has a dirty diaper, but "DEE-dee-dee" means he wants you to sing "Jesus loves me.")
  • Seeing Miles and Colsen being brothers together...  Miles usually likes to suck his thumb only when he's holding either Pete's or my shirt.  But occasionally Cole's can provide the comfort he needs -- like on this night:

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