Like his big brother, Milo has very strong opinions (he's decided he refuses to wear flip-flops anymore -- maybe they're too casual?), and we see many face-down pathetic crying displays when we don't go along with what he suggests. (Give him water when he wants juice, and it takes 2 rooms for him to express how very wrong this is.) For a few weeks recently he was getting extremely upset if we tried to leave him in the church nursery. Then last week he went happily in, and when I came to pick him up, he threw himself on the floor crying because he wanted to stay. These strong opinions are moving targets.
Also like his big brother, he is very bold physically. He is always climbing up on things way too high for my comfort. He loves big slides, big pushes on swings, etc.
And, like Cole, he never wants to be left out if there's a chore to be done. Or cooking, or a craft project, or a game, or really anything. He is Mr. Me-Too, or Me-Four, I guess. He's a lot of "help" around the house.... I look forward to the day when his destructive energy is transformed into constructive energy.
And loud he often is. He has a few words: mama, dada, baby, all-done, bye, hot, hello (only when he's on the phone), and something like "of course" that sounds rather close to "all-done," which sometimes makes things confusing. But the rest of the time, he uses sounds to communicate -- and, as my sister-in-law pointed out, he sounds an awful lot like Curious George! "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!" The key to translation is all in observing the inflection.
Is he seriously 1.5 already?! It seems like you just wrote Coleson's 1.5 post yesterday! Happy 18 months, Miles!! :-)