
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Movement (dance) class

Miss Melanie, a.k.a. a professor in the dance department at University of Buffalo, a.k.a. one of my best life-long friends, came to do a class at our house this morning! We were so thankful to have a private session with our favorite choreographer and dancer. (Here's her web site)

We managed to round up a few friends from around the neighborhood at the last minute(+ Sam), and I was careful to minimize my usage of the words "dance class" when describing it to the boys. I shouldn't have worried though -- the boys, and the girls, all loved it! I haven't seen Strider this excited about anything arts-related in a long time.

Melanie began the session by having the kids listen to a piece of music several times. They were able to draw whatever they felt like at first, and then she instructed them to draw a "path" according to what the music sounded like. After they had done this, we all went outside, where they were able to physically run out their paths, layering them over each other's.

She followed this up with several other demonstrations, activities, and exercises... It was intriguing to see each of the individual's interpretations of her instructions (nice alliteration, right?) as they became mini-choreographers/dancers!

Eventually we all went back inside, and now that the kids had heard the same piece of music so many times, they were able to watch a video (this one) to see how Melanie had choreographed a 4-section dance piece to this music. So fascinating to see the music come to visual life! During the 3rd section, she turned the sound off, and the kids were to imagine what type of music would fit there (they hadn't heard that part yet). Then the 4th section, which seemed to be the collective favorite of the group, was a perfect finale for the morning.

Melanie's techniques were so effective for drawing the kids in, helping them imagine, analyze, and create. What a blessing this class was for us! Strider said this afternoon that he loved it, and we all wish she could commute back every week. :) And it was another day I was grateful to be tutoring my kids at home. And that I have such talented friends who can come be guest-lecturers!

(It's hard to believe that when I first met Mel, she was younger than most of the kids here today!)

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