
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Poplar Streams Academy, back in session

Last night was not the most restful of nights.  Between the smoke alarm screeching for a few seconds every 5 minutes or so (which is just a long enough interval that no one wants to stand out in the hallway for that long to determine which alarm it is) and waking most of us up, and 4 out of the 6 of us coughing all the live-long night, we didn't sleep all that peacefully.

So it was not a bright and early, bushy-tailed morning around here.  But we found ourselves once again thankful for the flexibility of homeschooling (and for the fact that Strider's school orientation didn't begin until 2:30 pm), and gradually got ourselves into gear.

After the oh-so-exciting apple pie breakfast, we assembled for the annual taking of the photo on the steps.

 Then we did the pledge...

and sang the national anthem.

And then we got straight to work...

My favorite line of the day was from Colsen.  When he was having trouble with one of his assignments he blurted out, "I'm just a no-brainer!  I can't spell this word!"

This evening Strider had his convocation ceremony at school.  I made him let us take this picture:
(I JUST bought him this jacket a few months ago and it's already too small.  Definitely Growth Spurt Season.)

Looks like it's going to be a great year!

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