
Friday, October 29, 2010

Nested parentheses

When I first learned about the grammatical use of nested parentheses, I loved the concept. Later, when I had to use them for computer programming, they became a source of great exasperation as I had to hunt through hundreds of lines to find the missing closing parenthesis.

Now, if I had to sum up this stage of our family, I would say that life feels like one long stream of nested parentheses.

I head towards the washing machine to start a load of laundry.
(Wait, I need to take the sheets off the beds.
(But I need to first call Strider to hang up the clothes on the foot of his bed.
(And then deal with Strider's lack of appropriate response.
(And deal with Colsen whining about how he needs me to get him a drink.
(Oh, rescue Miles as he's trying to walk down the stairs
(Move the balls on the stairs to the toybox
(Clear the cups off the toybox in order to open it
(Take cups to kitchen, realize dishwasher needs to be run
(Load dishwasher
(Take Miles out of the kitchen so he won't "help"
(Call Rayna to come play with Miles
(Deal with Rayna's lack of obedience
(Going back into the kitchen, see water spilled on the floor
(Go to get towel to clean up the water... but find the towel drawer empty.... because the LAUNDRY NEEDS TO BE DONE!)))))))))))))))

Or, here's one from last week:

Start to make smoothies
(Locate protein powder. Discover it's almost empty
(Order more protein powder
(Email friend to see if she needs anything now, to combine/minimize shipping costs
(While I'm contacting this friend, remember a group gift we're both working on
(Do research about the planned gift
(Get burning cupcakes out of the oven
(Back in the kitchen, realize the smoothie ingredients are still on the counter.... ))))))))

Most of the time I get so "nested" down that I can't even see the beginning/top of the order to remember what I'd set out to do in the first place.

I see Pete operating this way, too, when he's here. Constant interruptions mean neither of us can manage to finish tasks all the way through... it gets dizzying.

But I guess the good news is we have each other to enjoy in the little nests we make!

1 comment:

  1. Finally a name for it! I live the nested parentheses too. are a parent living out the nested parent-heses. (was that a stretch?)
