
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Not too old

While camping with our friends this past weekend, Pete apparently decided he wasn't too old to compete with the kids.  Howard had set up an obstacle course for the younger set, and after the official World Record was set on the course, Pete decided he wanted a try.

Buoyed by his spectacular new record (beating the extremely athletic 16-year old by almost one whole second), he eagerly returned in the afternoon for Round 2.  The other men also decided to test their mettle in the Obstacle Course Showdown, so it was quite an event.

Now, I was not there to see this all (as I was back at the cabin while Miles napped), but according to my sources, this is what transpired:

The men designed a new obstacle course.

Steve, the aforementioned athletic teen-ager, attempted the course and made the important discovery that there was a crucial metal bar blocking the top of the slide that the contestants had to run up.  It was noted that the future runners should avoid this bar.  First World Record was established.

Many kids competed in the obstacle course, but no one was able to crush the World Record.

Howard (Man #1) stepped up to the challenge and ran the course.  BANG! He slammed his head on that all-important Metal Bar.  Injury #1.  World Record not broken.

Darol (Man #2) was the next contender.  BANG! He slammed his chest on that Very Same Metal Bar.  Injury #2.  World Record not broken.

Peter (Man #3) was the next contender.  One would think that he would avoid the Metal Bar at all costs, having watched his friends get injured right after the other.  Apparently one would be wrong because Pete encountered that Very Same Metal Bar at full speed with his nose. BANG!  He continues to run the course, crossing the finish line with blood pouring down from both outside and inside his nose.  World Record not broken -- but missed by just 1 second.

Amy hears of the consecutive injuries and has to question the inverse proportion of intelligence to speed when men compete in obstacle courses.

The events of the day have served to prove that Pete is not yet too old to sport a black eye.  He's looking like quite the tough guy these days.

Lest we all start worrying about Pete's cognitive processing abilities, though, I will take this opportunity to share another article he wrote that was picked up by an online journal here.  I'm proud of him!


  1. a. i am impressed by the men's athletic abilities! b. maybe the story of the bar is evidence that "daddy brain" exists, too? sounds like something i would do as a result of "mommy brain."

  2. Alison, I think you might be on to something here -- Daddy brain! We knew it had to exist -- it's only fair. :)

  3. That is classic. Nice move Pete! You are looking quite tough these days - I wish i could have been there to witness that stellar performance.
