
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cousins Camp, Session 2011:C

Friday was Colsen's big debut at Cousins Camp!  Mom and Dad were very brave this year, initiating Colsen, Branson, and Kai altogether.  They spent the day together.... here's Cole's version:
 Me:  So, Cole, tell me about Cousins Camp!
Colsen:  I went to Discovery Place and I saw a fire engine, and there was a 40-inch, I mean 40-foot, slide, and it was really fun, and then I went to the ice cream store and got some ice cream, and I went to the Drescher's house and you came to pick me up.

Me:  Were you a little nervous at the beginning?
Colsen:  Yeah, I was a little scared because I was gonna miss you.

Me:  But it ended up being a fun day, right?  Tell me something else you saw at Discovery Place.
Colsen: There was a big car, but they took out all the oil and all the gas, and they took out the motor, and they hid the key so we couldn't drive it.

Me:  What else did you like?
Colsen:  I liked the real boat, too.  It was real.

Me:  Did you have fun with your cousins?
Colsen:  Yeah.  Branson has big muscles, but I don't know if they're bigger than mine.  Are they?

Me:  What kind of ice cream did you get?
Colsen:  I got 2 kinds -- peach and vanilla, and I put reese's sprinkles, m&m's, chocolate chips, and sprinkles on it.  But then I couldn't eat it all and I gave it to Poppa and said, "This is too much, I'm going to get sick" and I had a sad face and my eyes were a little closed.  No, not really.  Actually Poppa told us to hurry up and to only eat 2 more bites.  No I'm just kidding.

Me:  Cole, you're telling me different stories.  How am I going to know what's real?
Colsen:  OK!  None of it.  I didn't have ANY ice cream!
Me:  Yes, you did.  Alright, moving on.

Colsen:  When am I going to get to go back to Cousins Camp??  When??  When??

I'm glad Mom and Dad took some pictures.... It looks like it was a wild day!

1 comment:

  1. Amy, another one of your mom's bright ideas I am going to steal and use with my grandchildren! It's on my future things to do along with the one where she lets you stay at her house and they come to yours to watch your kids...!
