
Friday, August 26, 2011

Step 1 on the journey to Moldova

The kids' passports arrived yesterday!  Now we're (supposedly) all ready to be globe-trotters.

I think these are just the cutest passport photos I've ever seen.  :)
(They were told to stay very serious for the pictures!)

So the first thing on our "To Do Before Leaving for Moldova" list is now crossed off.  Actually, the first 3 things are crossed off:
1. Have kids' photos taken for passports
2. Go to post office for passport appointment
3. Receive passports in the mail.

We're really cruising down that list!

Too bad it has approximately 643 things on it.

Off to start # 4:  Figure out how to get to Moldova.


  1. I was just wondering about your trip to Moldova. Felt like I hadn't heard anything about it in a while...and wondered if you were still going. When is your travel date - do you know, yet?

  2. We don't know exactly... probably late Dec./early January. It kind of depends on which city we decide to fly through and/or stop in for a few days...etc, etc.!
