
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Recent conversations

As we were driving Colsen to his day of Cousins Camp, I heard Rayna in the backseat saying, "Colsen, now make sure you're very obedient to Nonna and Poppa.  And make sure you're kind to everyone, and take care of everyone, and give them hugs and all that.  You be loving, ok, Colsen?"And then, after we dropped him off, as we were driving away, Rayna sighed and said, "Awwww.... we're going to miss Colsen today." 
I love that big sister!

Miles is in the learning-about-pronouns stage of language development.  He consistenly says, "Hold you!" when he wants us to pick him up, and "Help you!" when he wants some help.  (I love it when he asks me to "hold you," so I never end up correcting him.)  The other night, I saw him very slowly and deliberately say, "Help me" and I thought we may have just had a break-through!  Then I realized he was coming to help me make the bed, thereby proving he has it all competely backwards.  (but still oh so cute)


Colsen came running into the house one morning recently.  Jabbering a mile a minute, he yelled, "Guess what! I just saw a reptile or an amphibian or something! I looked over at the fence, and I couldn't believe my eyes! I saw a tail and a flat thing, and I think it was a lizard or something!" 
I love the eyes of wonder in a little child.


I was trying to get Colsen eat some peas one night.  I told him that if he held his nose, he wouldn't taste them.  He had a better solution, though, which he yelled as he ran out of the room: "If I don't even open my mouth, I won't taste them at all!"

Strider and I were discussing how carefree and innocent it feels to be a child -- but he insisted his life was not all carefree after all. "What do you have to worry about?" I asked him. Without missing a beat, he said, "The growing national debt."
But then he followed it up with, "Just kidding. Don't put that on the blog!"

One night when Strider had a friend over, I was trying to write something and I asked them for some help.  "What's a word that starts with "M" and means really great?" I asked.
"Magnificent!" Strider answered.
"Mom!" his friend answered.
That friend needs to come over and play more often!

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