
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Recent conversations

Rayna asked me where I was going one day as I was getting on my bike.  I told her I was going to the town center to have my eyebrows waxed at the hair salon.  When I got home, she was eager to greet me:
"Wow, Mom!  Those are cute eyebrows!"

As we were driving one day there was this conversation...
Colsen:  What is THAT?
Pete:  It's a trailer being pulled by a pick-up truck.  The trailer is like a whole house.  It has a kitchen, and a bedroom and a bathroom and a...
Colsen (interruping):  But where is its garage?  Why doesn't it have a garage??
Pete:  Well, I guess they didn't think they needed to have one because --
Colsen (interrupting):  But how are they going to fix stuff??

Another day while we were driving...
Strider:  Mom, how old were you when they invented calculators?

This morning...
Colsen:  Is Daddy going to work today?
Me:  No.
Colsen (going up to Pete):  Daddy, why aren't you going to work?!  We need a lot of money so we can buy an iPad or something!

Strider:  Colsen, would you say, "If friends were flowers, I would pick them?"  Is that true for you?
Colsen:  No!  Because I wouldn't want my friends to die!

Last week as we were going to bed one night...
Me:  So what's the title of the talk you're giving in Raleigh?
Pete:  Oh, it's long and it has a colon in the middle.  You don't want to know.

This afternoon as Pete was getting ready to go out with Colsen we had this conversation:
Me:  Colsen, are you ready to go "do research" with Daddy at Lowe's?
Colsen: What is "doing research?"
Me:  It's an awful lot like shopping.
Pete, walking into the room:  You don't go shopping at Lowe's!

Next time I head out to Stein Mart, I'll have to remember to say I'm just going to do some research.  :)

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